Pool Bar
Υποθέτω καλοκαίρι θα είναι εκπληκτικά
43 m vom Hotel entfernt
Ein Guide für tolle Orte in der Nähe von Portaria Hotel
wi-fi network: Caffe Antico wi-fi password: caffeantico1965 - via 4sqwifi.com
311 m vom Hotel entfernt
Pragmatika den mporw na stamatisw na psonizw kathe mera apo auto to magazi!!oses meres vriskomai edw k pernaw apo to myrro, apla mpenw mesa! Ta paidia einai apisteuta,me gnwseis k oreksi gia mixing :)
324 m vom Hotel entfernt
Πορταριά Πηλίου
Drink fresh mountain water from the ancient natural spring & revitalize yourself
404 m vom Hotel entfernt
Πλατεία Μελίνας Μερκούρη
Excellent dishes of traditional cuisine under the great plane tree of 1220!!
409 m vom Hotel entfernt
Πλατεία Πορταριάς
Maybe the best bar in pelion!relax under rock sounds!
453 m vom Hotel entfernt
EO Volou Portarias
Amazing place right into the woods, full of springs, greenery, bridges and playful sounds! 20 minutes full of fun, relaxing and awesome photo shots!
0.6 km vom Hotel entfernt
Amazing view. Amazing food and very kind stuff. Must visit.
0.7 km vom Hotel entfernt
Don't leave Pelion without having one of the zillion drinks & custom sweets available here. The kingdom of chocolate! Magnificent view of Volos too.
1.1 km vom Hotel entfernt
1ο χλμ. Πορταριάς - Μακρινίτσας